Love & Service Group of AA

Welcome to the Love & Service Group of Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.

A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

The Love & Service Group is located in Pleasant Hill, CA, and has twice-weekly meetings: one on Sunday at 6:00 pm PT and one on Thursday at 7:00 pm PT, both located at 2275 Morello Ave, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. Sunday we have a Speaker meeting that is held in-person and online. Thursday we have four breakout meetings that you can choose from Newcomer, Big Book Study, Steps/Traditions/Concepts Study, and Intro to Meditation. All Thursday meetings are held in person.

DayMeeting Information
SundaySpeaker Meeting @ 6:00 pm PT at the Hope Center in Pleasant Hill, CA, and online.
Meeting Link; Meeting ID: 761 118 6101; Password: LNS12tcnb

Join by phone: +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 761 118 6101 | Passcode: 900093541 | One-Touch Dial & Join: +16699006833,,7611186101#,,,,*900093541#
Find your local number:

Closed Captioning is available for the hearing impaired – online only.
ThursdayLove & Service Newcomer, Big Book, Steps/Traditions/Concepts, Intro to Meditation @ 7:00 pm PT at the Hope Center in Pleasant Hill, CA.

For all other days, Please visit Contra Costa AA or the Online Intergroup

We are located at the Hope Center Covenant Church – 2275 Morello Ave, Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Contact Us

Please make sure to include a phone number and/or email address so we may respond to you in a timely manner. Please indicate why you are contacting us (looking for information on the group, looking for a sponsor, looking for someone to call you, speaker tapes, etc.). If you are looking for a court card, please indicate the date, secretary, and which meeting you attended.

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    Contact Us Through The Mail

    Love & Service Group
    5100 Clayton Road
    Suite B1, Box 121
    Concord, CA 94521-3182

    Love & Service Group of Alcoholics Anonymous in Pleasant Hill, CA